Action | Date |
Elvanae joined the guild as a Member. | Prima, Pluvia 25, 1st AC 2608 |
The rank of Elvanae has changed to Member. | Prima, Pluvia 25, 1st AC 2608 |
Elvanae has left the guild. | Prima, Pluvia 25, 1st AC 2608 |
Elvanae joined the guild as a Member. | Quinteth, Winderly 17, 2nd AC 2608 |
Elvanae has left the guild. | Quinteth, Winderly 17, 2nd AC 2608 |
Elvanae joined the guild as a Member. | Tria, Pluvia 9, 1st AC 2608 |
Elvanae has left the guild. | Tria, Pluvia 9, 1st AC 2608 |
Altsoba has left the guild. | Quarta, Germinally 22, 1st AC 2577 |
Visi joined the guild as a Leader. | Prima, Fallenor 7, 1st AC 2608 |
Elvanae has left the guild. | Dua, Nivia 26, 2nd AC 2608 |
Elvanae joined the guild as a Member. | Dua, Nivia 26, 2nd AC 2608 |
The rank of Visi has changed to Leader. | Prima, Fallenor 7, 1st AC 2608 |
The rank of Visi has changed to . |
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